Piling Works

Piling forms the very basis of construction as the essential support needed for heavy-loading structures. It is a technique that sets deep foundations to support structures such as buildings and bridges.


We, at P-One, have successfully completed many piling projects for some of the most significant developments in Singapore. We offer piling services in the deep foundation works for: Large Diameter Bored Cast in-place Concrete Piles, Secant Bored Piles, Contiguous Bored Piles, Bored Cast in-place Soldier Piles/ Kingposts and Driven (Precast RC Pile, Spun Pile, H-Steel Pile) Piling Foundation Work.


P-One is currently registered under BCA (Building Construction Authority Singapore) work head CR08 – L6 with unlimited tender financial category.

Piling forms the very basis of construction as the essential support needed for heavy-loading structures. It is a technique that sets deep foundations to support structures such as buildings and bridges.


We, at P-One, have successfully completed many piling projects for some of the most significant developments in Singapore. We offer piling services in the deep foundation works for: Large Diameter Bored Cast in-place Concrete Piles, Secant Bored Piles, Contiguous Bored Piles, Bored Cast in-place Soldier Piles/ Kingposts and Driven (Precast RC Pile, Spun Pile, H-Steel Pile) Piling Foundation Work.


P-One is currently registered under BCA (Building Construction Authority Singapore) work head CR08 – L6 with unlimited tender financial category.

Typical Pile Load Test Setup using Kentledge Reaction Method

Typical Bi-directional Load Cell Setup ready for assembly on test pile



Pile load testing is an essential and critical quality assessment carried out to ensure the safe load capacity of piles constructed meets the verified design parameters adopted by the designer and to detect unusual performance and integrity of the piles if any.


Various testing methods available in the industry are:

Structural Capacity load Test


  • Maintained Load Tests using Kentledge Reaction and Bi-directional Cell Method,
  • Pseudo-Static Load Test using Rapid Load Test (RLT) Method,
  • Pile Dynamic Load Test using Pile Dynamic Analyzer (PDA)

Concrete Integrity Quality Test


  • Pile Integrity Test (PIT)